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Friday, December 10, 2010

STEM: Setting the Standard in Science

The Willow Canyon STEM Club has been chosen by Science Foundation Arizona to be a “model” for all future high school STEM clubs in Arizona, and possibly America and worldwide. Willow Canyon’s STEM Club (Science Technology Engineering Math) has been requesting grants that are worth mil­lions of dollars working with the Science Foundation of Arizona so that STEM is worldwide in every school from elemen­tary up until high school.
This will also allow Willow Canyon’s STEM club to be able to afford to ex­plore what’s beyond the basic STEM foundations. STEM Club helps students develop leadership and people skills, and it also helps them decide what profession they want, where they can receive train­ing, and if there are any scholarships out there for them.
“I enjoy the members and activities we do in STEM,” said freshman Sydni Quincey.
Willow Canyon’s STEM Club con­sists of two parts: STEM Club itself and RoboMasters; RoboMasters is where the students build and learn about robots. The robots they build are made out of the LEGOS pack called, LEGO Mindstorm NXT Robots. These robots have sound sensors, motion sensors, ultra sonic, and touch sensors.
“It’s just a fun, forgiving system,” said Mr. Tennyson, adviser for STEM Club.
STEM Club also gets to dissect Zhu Zhu pets (to learn about reverse engi­neering), go to Arizona Sate University, dissect cats, make robots, have ASU stu­dents come to WCHS and participate in Pi day.
“Pi day is a day where we stay at school after school hours and do activi­ties dealing with Pi, and we eat pie of all flavors too,” said Mr. Tennyson. The club is planning a trip to visit BioSpere.

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